
Four Job Searching Tips for New College Graduates



You’ve done it! You’ve done your homework, passed your classes and walked across that magnificent stage and claimed the prize that you worked so hard for — a college degree. But now that you have your diploma in hand, it is time to begin your first REAL job search.


Now you’re probably thinking, “I’ve applied for tons of jobs and internships, I got this!” The quick and simple answer to this statement is; no, this time it’s different…this time you are applying for that BIG, FANCY job; the one that comes with the big pay check so you can begin your life as a young adult and financially support yourself.


Luckily, I have some tips that will help you look like “the one for the job” to those big time hiring managers and recruiters and help you land that job that will give you the start you want in today’s competitive job market.

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Now the first and most important piece of getting a great job starts long before you actually start applying — start networking. Networking is a crucial piece of finding employment because it provides for references and recommendations that may provide you opportunities that seemed out of reach or that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise.  So go out and be proactive, go to social networking meetings and gatherings and actually talk to people. Make it your goal to cultivate a relationship with three people per week so that you can add them to your network. This goal will help you create a broad range of contacts who will be able to help you in your job search by providing helpful tips and insights. Connect with your new peers on LinkedIn and follow up with them in order to foster and develop the relationship.



Another key aspect of finding that first “dream” job is to make sure your LinkedIn profile and resume is professional and flawless. Jim Rowland of Jim Rowland Personnel, a nationally recognized job recruiter for many profitable companies globally put it bluntly, “when I read a résumé and find an error, it’s immediately tossed in the garbage.” So make sure that your resume and LinkedIn profile (your professional online representation of yourself) are error free because it is an employer’s first look at you and your accomplishments. A typo or misspelled word can show an inattention to detail and a tendency to make careless mistakes.



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My third tip is for the actual job application process — only apply for 3-4 jobs a week. When applying for a job, make sure that you are putting your best foot forward — by thoughtfully completing applications, providing a professionally prepared resume, and having a cultivated LinkedIn profile — to get you the next stage of the process, and get invited in for an interview. One major mistake that many new college graduates make is applying for copious amounts of jobs a week and providing minimal and often incomplete information. The problem with this strategy is that there are other people who are taking the time to answer all parts of the application with precision and care. So take your time and put your best foot forward in every application that you send out to a potential employer.




Another small tip is if you do get an interview, send a thank you note afterwards and let that person who interviewed you know that you appreciate them for taking time out of their day to see you. This helps you come across as courteous and polite — the kind of characteristics that every recruiter looks for when interviewing people for a job.


Now that you have read this, you know that the real work has just begun. But don’t be skeptical or anxious about the job searching process, college taught you how to be an independent person with the ability to think effectively and critically. So take my advice and apply it to your everyday life; go and network everyday whether it be in a professional setting or at the gym. Edit and have other people revise your resume and LinkedIn profile, and make sure to be thorough when applying for jobs. You’ve graduated college, now go and do something with that degree — take advantage of your opportunities and get the job you have been searching for.