Tips to Addressing a Furlough on Your Resume or Cover Letter
Anytime I review a resume and find a snag in work history it is inevitably during the 2007-2009 timeframe. The Great Recession is arguably responsible for millions of career transitions and job gaps worldwide. Like any crisis, people swiftly responded with fellowship and compassion for laid-off...
Chief Executive Resume Tips: Why a Personalized Approach Works Best
Writing a chief executive resume takes time, skill and a personalized approach. Chief executive officers (CEOs) have unique stories to tell. Not only are they driving business operations and sales, but they are in charge of building strong teams and … Continue reading
Why Every Leader Should Work With Executive Resume Services
Busy business leaders have become even busier as of late, amplifying the need to work with executive resume services to advance their brands and career paths. Executive resume services provide a bridge to better personal marketing materials through collaboration with … Continue reading
Why Choose a Resume Writing Service
Alison Doyle, a job search and employment expert, simply stated, “A resume writing service can help you create a professional resume that reflects your skills and qualifications.” When writing your own resume it is hard to find the line between … Continue reading
Do you need a cover letter in today’s job market?
Our team was recently asked to contribute to an article on cover letters for the publication, Up Journey. Read on for the full snippet from our Chief Talent Officer, Marilyn Maslin, and click here for the full piece. Interestingly many … Continue reading
People-focused outplacement services provide a handshake during tough business decisions
As a business leader, you know that navigating the changing economic landscape is challenging, especially when faced with unprecedented hurdles. Notifying staff of a layoff is never a good moment. As reported by MarketWatch, more than 22 million jobs were … Continue reading
How to Advance Your Job Search
Understand the NEW Job Market Research shows that if you are introduced to the hiring decision maker through a mutual contact your odds of securing an interview and ultimately a job offer improve by over 80%. Although developing a … Continue reading
Protect Your Brand and Equip Workers for Future Success with Outskilling
Outskilling is an emerging trend which describes a company-sponsored training program that helps employees find another job or even an alternative career with a new employer. Expected to catch fire as companies work to counterbalance the negative impact of layoffs … Continue reading
Six Reasons Your LinkedIn Profile Matters to your Career Development
Your LinkedIn profile, managed or unmanaged, tells colleagues, recruiters, and companies much about you. If you are one of the countless individuals who have an out-of-date, undeveloped or unattended LinkedIn profile, be aware, it could be affecting your career. … Continue reading
Tips to Addressing a Furlough on Your Resume or Cover Letter
Anytime I review a resume and find a snag in work history it is inevitably during the 2007-2009 timeframe. The Great Recession is arguably responsible for millions of career transitions and job gaps worldwide. Like any crisis, people swiftly responded … Continue reading
Four Job Searching Tips for New College Graduates
You’ve done it! You’ve done your homework, passed your classes and walked across that magnificent stage and claimed the prize that you worked so hard for — a college degree. But now that you have your diploma in hand, it … Continue reading
How to fight through the economic slump with a targeted approach to your job search
America’s booming job market collapsed overnight, with over 10 million workers applying for unemployment benefits in March alone. “The magnitude and speed of collapse in activity that has followed (the lockdown) is unlike anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes,” said … Continue reading
Spotlighting some of our most amazing healthcare clients
Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of creating personal marketing documents for hundreds of healthcare workers and first responders. Although each one is unique in their background and skillset, I have discovered that they share a common bond. … Continue reading